The Conference Team

  • Lukas_Staudenmayer_VT

    Lukas Staudenmayer

    Conference Chair

  • Mary_Cyckowski_VT

    Mary Cyckowski

    Logistics Chair

  • Maddie_Grable_Vt

    Maddie Grable

    Treasurer Chair

  • Ryan Mann_VT

    Ryan Mann

    Small Events Chair

  • Nathan Joseph VT

    Nathan Joseph

    Chem-E-Car Chair

  • Brandon Tapia

    Brandon Tapia

    Research Presentation Chair

  • Kristian Moore VT

    Kristian Moore

    Jeopardy Chair

  • Lexi Swift

    Lexi Swift

    Swag Bag Chair

  • Elizaveta Radkevich VT

    Elizaveta Radkevich

    Research Poster Chair

  • Summer Hensley VT

    Summer Hensley

    Small Events

  • Bruce Furaha VT

    Bruce Furaha


  • Kathyrn Sellinger VT

    Kathyrn Sellinger


  • Tristan Nienaber VT

    Tristan Nienaber


  • Andrew Wisnieski VT

    Andrew Wisnieski


  • Connor Hall


Virginia Tech AIChE Chapter

The AIChE Chapter at Virginia Tech offers Chemical Engineering undergraduates the opportunity to grow and develop as future leaders of industry. Our club organizes events ranging from Resume and Interview workshops to plant tours of partnering Industry sponsors. The AIChE Chapter at Virginia Tech has received outstanding student chapter award yearly from 2018 to 2022. For more information, check out our website!

Our Faculty Conference Advisors

  • Dr. Y.A. Liu

    Alumni Distinguished Professor

    2021 AIChE Outstanding Student Chapter Advisor Award

  • Dr. Stephen Martin

    Associate Professor

    W.S. "Pete" White Chair for Innovation in Engineering Education
    Past Chair, AIChE Student Chapter Committee

  • Dr. Aaron Goldstein

    Assistant Department Head for Undergraduate Studies

    ChemE Jeopardy Competition Advisor

  • Dr. Sanket Deshmukh

    Associate Professor

    Research Competition Advisor